Pastorate Committee
The Pastorate Committee has been appointed by the members of the Church in order to serve the Church. There is a representative from men, women and the youth. Area fellowship leaders have been elected to organize small group ministry and lay ministry duties on a monthly basis.
The committee members in charge are as follows:
President - Rev. Aneesh L. Sujan
Vice-President - Biju Ninan
Church Warden - Mathew Mathews
Secretary - John Jacob
Joint-Secretary - Shoban Thomas
Treasurer - Limoj Philip Manuvel
Joint-Treasurer - Robin Mathew
Women's Fellowship Rep: Shoban Thomas
Sunday School Rep: Biju Ninan
Men's Fellowship Rep: Anish Abraham
Youth Rep: Saveen Mathews
Area Representatives:
Hills- Kapil Paul
West - Jeevan Sam
South-West - Limoj Philip Manuvel
The Committee undertakes regular devotions and Bible study before it engages in administrative matters.